The magic of industry

Lower Austria State Exhibition 1989

© Straßenmeisterei Pottenstein

The magic of industry

Lower Austria State Exhibition 1989

Pottenstein an der Triesting,
Old cloth factory/new road maintenance depot

April 29 to October 29, 1989

132,853 visitors

Scientific exhibition management:
Roman Sandgruber

Exhibition design:
“spur nö": Arno Grünberger, Bertram Mayer,
Reinhard Mittersteiner

Cordula Alessandri-Ebner

Industry, its history and culture was the theme of the 1989 state exhibition, which was shown in the “Alte Tuchfabrik” in Pottenstein. “The Magic of Industry” presented the world of work in all its facets. The title was intended to signal the fascination and the dangers emanating from industry, “the old striving to overcome the barriers imposed by nature and the dangerous handling of its forces, the upswing in the standard of living brought about by the progress of technology, but also the uncertainty of the further development associated with it”, according to Roman Sandgruber, the scientific exhibition director.

The Industrial Revolution is undoubtedly one of the central events of the last 300 years. Since the 18th century, economic growth, increased productivity and technical progress have become the main objectives of economic policy in Europe and have changed public and private life dramatically. “This development cannot be erased. Life without the opportunities it has created would be almost inconceivable” (Sandgruber).

However, this exhibition also marked a turning point in the previous series of provincial exhibitions, as it was the first time that an economic topic from the more recent history of Lower Austria was dealt with. “In fact, the beginning of the industrial age initiated a development in Lower Austria in particular, the consequences of which could not have been foreseen. Lower Austria, the heartland of the Habsburg monarchy, was also a special nucleus of the industrialization of this great empire, of which many traces and developments still bear witness today, in particular the restructuring process that has been necessary for years,” said Governor Siegfried Ludwig, formulating his thoughts on the consequences of industrialization.

Industry created income, job opportunities, consumer opportunities, new goods, mobility and leisure and signaled the fascination of further technical progress, automation and the use of robots. It also opened up new possibilities for artistic and creative expression, the reproducibility of art in film and television. On the other hand, industry also brought the monotony and alienation of work in large factory halls, smoking chimneys, polluted waters and piling mountains of waste.

The state exhibition was shown in the old worsted yarn factory, which was built around 1880. The factory ceased operations in the early 1980s, leaving behind a ruin. The building was renovated and thus preserved as an industrial monument; on the initiative of the province of Lower Austria, it was adapted for use as a road maintenance depot.

Information on industrial history and industrial culture from the 18th century to the present day was presented in two large halls on 3,000 m² of exhibition space. According to the exhibition designers, the aim was not only to save the fates and achievements of previous generations from oblivion, but above all to encourage reflection on the status and development potential of our industrial society.

© NÖ Landesausstellung
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