Bread and Wine

Lower Austria State Exhibition 2013

© Klaus Pichler

Bread and Wine

Lower Austria State Exhibition 2013

Asparn an der Zaya, Poysdorf

April 27 to November 3, 2013

305,366 visitors

Scientific Director “Bread”:
Matthias Pfaffenbichler
Christian Rapp

Content and didactic concept for “Brot” interactives:
Christian Rapp - Rapp & Wimberger cultural and media projects
Martina Schönherr
Renate Woditschka
Konrad Zirm

Scientific direction “Wine”:
Hannes Etzelsdorfer
Franz Regner

Content and didactic conception of the “Wine” interactives:
Martina Schönherr
Renate Woditschka
Konrad Zirm

Nutritional management and supervision:
Hanni Rützler - futurefoodstudio

Exhibition design

Artistic direction:
Christof Cremer

Detailed planning, construction supervision:
Renate Scheidenberger
Martin-Johannes Pecha

Julia Oppermann
Petr Svestka

The 37th Lower Austrian Provincial Exhibition in 2013 achieved a very good position in the long-standing tradition of provincial exhibitions in terms of visitor numbers: the provincial exhibition “Bread & Wine” at the Asparn an der Zaya and Poysdorf locations recorded 305,366 visitors over an exhibition period of 192 days.

Bread - Asparn an der Zaya: As an exhibit in a display case, bread is comparatively unspectacular and at first glance may reveal little of its special nature. The exhibition showed that bread is far more than just a foodstuff: it stands for our diet, which is characterized by agriculture, is a symbol of life, is a central component of rituals and religions, but also a unit of measurement for our purchasing power.

In the exhibition at Asparn Castle, bread is embedded in all its changing contexts - be it agricultural development, religion and mythology, baking and milling, but also popular culture, the food industry, cultural and social history.

The outdoor area of the Prehistory Museum impressed visitors with its extensive ensemble of reconstructions of prehistoric buildings. Experimental archaeology provided science with exciting findings and at the same time made it possible to bring life thousands of years ago into the present by entering the buildings and baking bread. At around 30 meters long, the largest exhibit of the Lower Austrian Provincial Exhibition 2013 was also located in this outdoor area: the newly erected Neolithic longhouse.

Wine - Poysdorf: No place was better suited than the wine town of Poysdorf to present the millennia-old history of grape juice in all its facets.

“Long live the wine! Long live the land where it ripens for us! Long live the barrel that holds it! Long live the jug from which it flows! [...]” - Gottfried van Swieten's (1733-1803) praise of wine, which Joseph Haydn set to music in the oratorio ‘The Seasons’, provided the basic idea for the thematic concept of wine as part of the Lower Austrian Provincial Exhibition 2013. The extensive show presented a multifaceted journey through the history of winemaking and wine enjoyment as well as an examination of the cultic aspects of wine. The exhibition was an appreciation of the Lower Austrian wine landscape with all its special features and at the same time a critical appraisal of the current wine industry.

In Poysdorf, too, an outdoor area rounded off the exhibition experience. A village-like ensemble with a show vineyard, press houses and smithy invited visitors to discover and linger. The buildings in the open-air area also housed the “Genusswerkstatt”, an interactive museum education program. Here, visitors tasted, described, associated, guessed, experienced and described smells and tastes. Whether it was a grape juice tasting, a taste Olympics or the taste wheel - experimenting was much more important than the result.

© Klaus Pichler
© NÖ Landesausstellung

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