World in motion! City. History. Mobility.

Lower Austria State Exhibition 2019

© Wiener Alpen, Franz Zwickl

World in motion! City. History. Mobility.

Lower Austria State Exhibition 2019

Kasematten & Museum St. Peter an der Sperr
Wiener Neustadt

30. März bis 10. November 2019

Inhaltliches Team:
Beat Gugger
Gerhard Proksch

Wissenschaftliches Team:
Werner Bätzing
Ernst Bruckmüller
Eveline Klein

People are on the move. Cities are growing. The country is changing. History is moving forward. In short: our world is constantly on the move. At two historical exhibition venues in the heart of Wiener Neustadt, the 40th Lower Austrian Provincial Exhibition was therefore dedicated to the “World in Motion!”. On a total of 3,300 m², fascinating stories were revealed in the Kasematten and the Museum St.Peter an der Sperr. Fabulous objects and extraordinary biographies told of movement and became an experience in themselves. Themes from the exhibition still live on in the region today.

© NÖ Landesausstellung

Casemates: Moving worlds - yesterday, today, tomorrowIn the former city fortifications, the casemates, multimedia projections and historical building elements made the growth of the city walls impressively visible.Curious stories and fascinating objects led visitors into an accessible world of the regions around Wiener Neustadt.Animations, installations, films and object presentations told the story of the arduous journey in pre-modern times, the changes brought about by motorization and the mobility of the future.Visitors were invited to explore their own mobility of today and tomorrow!

Museum St. Perter an der Sperr: The city's cosmos - beyond the bordersFormer convent of the Dominican nuns, today Museum St. Peter an der Sperr: Here, the history of Wiener Neustadt and its people was placed in relation to the world.The work of Emperor Frederick III and Maximilian I, as well as Matthias Corvinus and Hungary, took center stage, with a particular focus on trade relations in the industrial center of the monarchy.An impressive room installation in the nave of St. Peter an der Sperr gave an insight into remarkable people from Wiener Neustadt and the region.

Lower Austrian provincial exhibitions can be experienced by everyone!As such, barrier-free design was incorporated into every area of the “World in Motion!” exhibition design from the very beginning of the concept phase - both physically and in terms of content.

The exhibition tours of the two exhibition locations Kasematten & Museum St. Peter an der Sperr were designed to be barrier-free and usable.The two exhibitions could also be experienced in all their facets:

Sign language videos
Easy-to-read texts
Tactile and acoustic stations

These exhibition elements made it possible for everyone to have an equal exhibition experience.

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